December 03, 2010

Onde Onde

This is really a favorite of most people when they try it. Because it is really a taste you will never forget it has a nice chewy texture(similiar to a Chinese/ Japanese mochi cake) and that when you bite in it a warm molten syrup filling just burst into your mouth. The coating of fresh grated coconut will be best but if not use good quality dessicated coconut will do the trick too.

This is definitely one of the most popular Asian dessert/ snack that you find around the world. In Indonesia these same sweet balls are called klepon.There are many different variety out there but the one i am sharing is the original one or in my eyes they are.

Onde Onde

½ cup glutinous rice flour
100ml coconut milk
pandan aroma pasta ( from your Asian store)

½ cup shaved dark (Indonesian) palm sugar
(Rolled it to tiny balls so its easy to stuffed them later.)

Coating for rolling finished balls 
½ cup desiccated coconut + ¼ tsp crushed sea salt mixed into it.

  • Knead glutinous rice flour with coconut milk till a ball gathers and the dough is slightly moist.Then add in the pandan pasta and knead till incorporated. If the dough seems a little dry add a little water or coconut milk. Plastic wrap immediately to keep moist.
  • To stuff the dough, pinch a small portion of the dough, toll roughly into a ball and squash so it's about four to five mm thick. Place the palm sugar into the centre and covered, then pinch away any dough you think it is too much as you do not want it too be too doughy. Roll in palm of hands till you form a perfect ball.
  • As the balls are rolled, position them on a baking tray lined with parchment.
  • Fill a medium to large pot with boiling water and the coconut coating ready in separate bowls. Drop the balls in five to six at a time so you can manage the coating immediately after cooking. When the balls are cooked, they will float to the top. Scoop them out with a slotted spoon.
  • Tip balls into coating and roll till completely covered. Arrange attractively on a plate and serve. Store in airtight container. These are best eaten right away or the same day.

1 comment:

Milan said...

ooooooh wow! I am definitely going to make that for sure :) *NOM NOM NOM*